Friday, May 29, 2009


Bila dilanda musibah
Hati tabah mula rebah
Jangan biarkan dugaan
Rapuhkan pedoman hidup

Andai waktu itu tiba
Semaikan sifat bersabar
Hanya Dia saja menentu
Dan kita hanya mampu sujud

Jika direnung kembali
Dari kehidupan
Pelbagai halangan kutempuh penuh cabaran
Tiada satupun ku hadapi dengan senang dan
Tiada satupun ku hadapi dengan tenang

Tapi ku bersyukur
Di saat ku murung
Ku musikkan dalam kedua telapak tangan
Semangat yang dah luntur
Harapan yang dah terkubur
Diberi arah tukku teruskan

Pernah kulihat mereka
Yang hilang segalanya
Insan yang tersayang
Atau harta benda
Pancaroba bencana juga malapetaka
Adalah sebahagian ujian dunia

Di sebalik kesusahan

Tidak letih mengerti erti kesenangan
Harusku akur dengan apa yang telah dikurnia
Barangkali esok semua berubah

Janganlah kita melupakanNya

Ketika langit cerah bersinar
Janganlah kita melupakanNya
Ketika langit mendung tak bercahaya

Hanya mampu sujud…..


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dugaan Ini

Daripada Suhibul Raumi berkata, sabda Rasulullah SAW,

“Betapa ajaibnya orang yang beriman itu. Sesungguhnya semua perkara adalah baik bagi mereka. Dan tiadalah kebaikan itu kecuali bagi mukmin. Jika memperoleh kegembiraan dia berterima kasih bererti kebaikan baginya dan jika ditimpa kesulitan dia bersabar bererti kebaikan baginya.” (Hadis riwayat Imam Muslim)

Sesungguhnya sebagai seorang hamba, Mak Lijah hanya mampu pasrah dan reda dengan dugaan ini. Pun begitu semangat juang Mak Lijah tak akan luntur kerana sifat pasrah dan reda tidak dimiliki oleh orang munafik kerana orang yang menentang ketetapan serta suratan Allah tidak tergolong dalam golongan yang beriman.

Rasulullah SAW bersabda bermaksud:

“Dari Abu Hurairah, sabda Rasulullah SAW: Jika engkau terkena oleh sesuatu musibah, maka janganlah engkau berkata: Andai kata saya mengerjakan begini, tentu akan menjadi begini dan begitu. Tetapi berkatalah: Ini adalah takdir Allah dan apa saja yang dikehendaki oleh-Nya tentu Dia melaksanakan-Nya, sebab sesungguhnya ucapan andai kata itu membuka pintu godaan syaitan.” (Hadis riwayat Imam Muslim)

Dugaan dan ujian yang sedang Mak Lijah lalui kini adalah suatu frasa kehidupan yang paling hebat, rumit dan sukar yang pernah Mak Lijah tempuhi sepanjang hayat Mak Lijah. Dugaan ini telah menghampiri kemuncak sehinggakan nyaris keputusan sudah sampai di hujung lidah. Ketika itulah amat penting bagi Mak Lijah menentukan pertimbangan sama ada terus menghadapinya dengan cekal, berikhtiar dan berusaha menyelesaikan segala kekusutan ataupun menyalahkan takdir semata-mata.

Mak Lijah benar-benar keliru dan tak faham, kenapa manusia sering mengambil kesempatan ke atas diri orang lain... Mengapa mesti ada sifat dengki mendengki dan iri hati sesama kita? Tidak cukupkah dengan apa yang mereka dah ada selama ini? Mak Lijah terkilan bila kejujuran manusia disalah gunakan...

Mak Lijah terkejut, tergamam dengan ketaksuban dan ke'terdesakan' manusia ini (jika benar dia manusia, atau dia sebenarnya syaitan bertopengkan manusia) yang tidak berhati perut yang mengambil peluang untuk kepentingan diri sendiri demi memusnahkan kehidupan orang lain. WHAT THE BLOODY HELL...!!! WHAT RIGHTS DO THEY HAVE TO MESS-UP MY LIFE...???..!!!!

And I have decided that I am going to face it, deal with it, and end it MY WAY.

Do not mess with me.

I have warned you...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Question: What is a Midlife Crisis?

This is taken from which I found to be a very good reading material for a person like me who is so curious about this issue.


Someone once said to me "if it weren’t so cliché I'd think I was having a midlife crisis." There is nothing cliche or trite about a midlife crisis. If you talk to middle aged men and women who have experienced divorce you will find that many of them will tell you their spouse changed overnight. Became someone who discarded all that was once important to them for a new life that was all about what they wanted.

A midlife crisis is experienced between the ages of 40 and 60. It was first identified by the psychologist Carl Jung and is a normal part of the maturing process. Most people will experience some form of emotional transition during that time of life. A transition that might cause you to take stock in where you are in life and make some needed adjustments to the way you live your life.

Most seem to come through the process smoothly without making major life changes. For some a midlife crisis is more complicated. It can be an uncomfortable time emotionally which can lead to depression and the need for psychotherapy. Those who have a hard time with this transitional stage might experience a wide range of feelings, such as:

  • Unhappiness with life and the lifestyle that may have provided them with happiness for many years.
  • Boredom with people and things that may have been of interest to them before.
  • Feeling a need for adventure and change.
  • Questioning the choices, they have made in their lives and the validity of decisions they made years before.
  • Confusion about who they are and where they are going.
  • Anger at their spouse and blame for feeling tied down.
  • Unable to make decisions about where they want to go with their life.
  • Doubt that they ever loved their spouse and resentment over the marriage.
  • A desire for a new and passionate, intimate relationship.
Most people who have a difficult time during midlife and go into crisis mode do so because of external factors. They may be experiencing stress in their life that makes the transition more difficult or they may have childhood issue that were never dealt with that come to the surface during this time. Some external factors that may cause this time in life to be problematic are:

It is easier to accumulate debt due to the availability of
credit cards and loans. We are bombarded by credit card companies and it is easy to find yourself with large balances owed. We live in a society where it is commonplace to be living above our means. Finding yourself middle aged, in debt and facing retirement can add stress to an already stressful time in life. A normal reaction would be to seek help from a debt management company or consolidate your loans. A person who is finding it difficult emotionally during midlife might find it easier to walk away from their family in order to rid themselves of what they feel is the cause of all the debt.

Significant Loss:
The death of a parent or family member can cause grief, which is difficult enough to come to terms with, without having to also cope with the feelings of a midlife transition. Put the loss of a loved one with the feelings that accompany midlife and the whole process becomes bewildering and overwhelming.

Avoidant Personality:
If a person has a tendency to avoid conflict in their personal relationships, suffers from feelings of inadequacy, are emotionally distant and has low self – esteem they will find midlife transition harder to navigate. This personality type has a deep fear of feeling shame and rejection. Such feelings will keep them from seeking help should their emotions become overwhelming. More than likely, they will run from their problems instead of trying to find solutions to them. It’s this personality type that normal ends up in divorce
court during midlife.

Whether there are external factors that make the process more difficult or not, there is an internal process that is gone through. If a person lacks understanding of the process, they may find themselves making irrational decisions they may later regret. Decisions such as leaving a job, divorcing their spouse and throwing away the security that they have built up during the first part of their life.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

tak bisa memiliki

Apakah yang engkau cari
Tak kau temukan di hatiku
Apakah yang engkau inginkan
Tak dapat lagi ku penuhi
Begitulah aku
Pahamilah aku

Mungkin aku tidaklah sempurna
Tetapi hatiku memilikimu sepanjang umurku
Mungkin aku tak bisa memiliki
Dirimu seumur hidupku

When things go wrong

Have you ever been in a situation where things don't go as you have planned? Why is it that it seems to come in stages? That you get to deal with many issues over a period of time. Am I being tested? Sometimes I believe that the devil is at work.

Ever felt that the whole world is against you? I feel that people take the good things in life for granted and moan and groan about all the bad stuff. The bad stuff can be devastating depending on the situation. Sometimes we have to deal with things on our own and sometimes it is in our best interest to get others close to us to assist us.

But now, I don't know if I would have the strength and sanity anymore to carry on...

Heh..Meh lah kita layan...

Jangan lagi kau sesali keputusanku

Ku tak ingin kau semakin kan terluka

Tak ingin ku paksakan cinta ini

Meski tiada sanggup untuk kau terima

Aku memang manusia paling berdosa

Khianati rasa demi keinginan semua

Lebih baik jangan mencinta biar ku dan semua hatiku

Kerana tak kan pernah kau temui cinta sejati

Berakhirlah sudah semua kisah ini dan jangan kau tangisi lagi

Sekalipun aku tak kan pernah mencoba kembali padamu

Sejuta kata maaf terasa kan percuma

Sebab rasa ku telah mati untuk menyedarinya

Tapi bukan aku

Semoga saja kan kau dapati

Hati yang tulus mencintaimu

Tapi bukan aku

Berakhirlah sudah semua kisah ini dan jangan kau tangisi lagi

Sekalipun aku tak kan pernah mencuba kembali padamu

Sejuta kata maaf terasa kan percuma

Sebab rasa ku telah mati untuk menyedarinya





and this lovely one...




Aku Bukan Untukmu

Dahulu kau mencintai ku

Dahulu kau menginginkan ku

Meskipun tak pernah ada jawabku

Tak berniat kau tinggalkan aku

Sekarang kau pergi menjauh

Sekarang kau tinggalkan aku

Disaat ku mulai mengharapkan mu

Dan ku mohon maafkan aku

Aku menyesal telah membuat mu menangis

Dan biar kan memilih yang lain

Tapi jangan pernah kau dustai takdir mu

Pasti itu terbaik untuk mu

Janganlah lagi kau mengingat ku kembali

Aku bukanlah untukmu

Meski ku memohon dan meminta hatimu

Jangan pernah tinggalkan dirinya

Untuk diriku...

Sekarang kau pergi menjauh

Sekarang kau tinggalkan aku

Di saat ku mulai mengharapkan mu

Dan ku mohon maafkan aku